Dr. Carrozzino is available for house calls appointments for patients who are unable to visit his Woodbury, New Jersey office in person due to health or mobility issues. House calls are available for most locations in Gloucester, Camden and Salem Counties.
House call appointments are generally scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons between 10am – 6pm with some new patients scheduled on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. Exact times and limited time windows cannot be given. Please call our office at (856) 845-5515 to inquire about becoming a new house call patient. We look forward to hearing from you!
When calling with a new house call request, please have the following information available, if possible. This will assist us in scheduling an appointment as soon as possible:
- Patient name, date of birth, address, and best phone number for follow-up contact and scheduling
- Patient insurance cards and plan numbers
- Information on services needed (routine foot care, diabetic wound care, or otherwise)
- If there are any days of the week the patient is unavailable for house call services
- Medical reason why a housecall visit is required vs. an in-office visit